
Green Network UK

Project Brief


  • Green Network UK


  • 10 weeks


  • Office


  • 3500 sqft

Client Brief

The Green Network Group was founded in Italy in 2003 with one specific goal:

to establish itself as a key player in the liberalised energy market. Hard work and optimism have brought important results: the Group, also active in the natural gas market, has become an energy partner of large Italian companies and is ranked among the first ten operators in the field, reaching an annual revenue of over two billion euros.

During the past years the Green Network Group has steadily continued in its growth: in 2012 a Green Network branch in the UK was opened; the following year its energy was made available for small and medium businesses, professionals and families in Italy.

Today, after establishing itself in Italy and extending its trading and origination activities in the European markets, the Group sets new goals, such as sales development especially in the residential power & gas market and services for energy efficiency – and the supply of energy commodities (and even complex derivative products) to international industrial clients, city companies and producers.

The mechanical & Electrical side of the project required further attention


Green network was looking for a smart office environment,

making the best use of space in order to maximise efficiency and capacity.

The space required a reception area, a large Board room with enough capacity for 20 people, a smaller ’one to one’ meeting room, 2 offices, a kichenette with canteen and an open plan office configuration for 16 people.

Once the lay out and finishes were confirmed our client requested an addition to the scheme; A tropical aquarium in the reception area to achieve the ’wow’ factor that they were looking for.

In order to incorporate this element into the project, we created a feature wall dividing the reception from the Board room to house the Aquarium and the whole infrastructure needed to make the aquarium fully operational and safe.


Green network was looking for a smart office environment,

making the best use of space in order to maximise efficiency and capacity.

The space required a reception area, a large Board room with enough capacity for 20 people, a smaller ’one to one’ meeting room, 2 offices, a kichenette with canteen and an open plan office configuration for 16 people.

Once the lay out and finishes were confirmed our client requested an addition to the scheme; A tropical aquarium in the reception area to achieve the ’wow’ factor that they were looking for.

In order to incorporate this element into the project, we created a feature wall dividing the reception from the Board room to house the Aquarium and the whole infrastructure needed to make the aquarium fully operational and safe.

This addition to our project became one of the most fascinating challenges for our contracts team

due to the complexity on the approval process, due to structural checks and tanking requirements in case of a possible failure of the system.

While we were obtaining the relevant approvals for the installation of the aquarium, we commenced the construction works onsite; The general lay out was formed by solid partitioning throughout with feature elements of double glazing with a crittal effect.

The mechanical & Electrical side of the project required further attention due to the fact that we were working in a space that had been recently segregated from a bigger space. During our inspections, our engineers identified some services that required further separation, so we liaised with the building managment team and other tenants
in order to get these elements rectified whilst ensuring we minimised disruption to all parties.

After solving this issues, we were able to undertake all relevant works for the space, including to install a complete power track distribution with rotosocks, a complete Data installation (carried out for GNs IT team) and all alterations to the pre-existing services such as, Fire alarm, sprinklers, lighting and access control.


The complete approval of the Aquarium installation

took over 6 weeks of constant assessments, and creating supporting documentation to proof the safety of the proposal. We eventyally agreed on all technical requirements to obtain approval which included:

• Installation of a bunding tray capable of holding 4500 L

• Installation of leak detection throughout the entire area

• Solenoid valves connected to the leak detection to stop water supplies in the entire area

• Installation of an emergency pump capable of empty the bunding tray in case of a failure.

The completion of the whole aquarium infrastructure enable our teams to progress with the remaining works and carry out all finishes, decorations and the complete installation of furniture. This project has been by far one of the most rewarding projects carried out to date by our team due to the complexity of technical solutions achieved throughout the project. The result is a remarkable space for Green Network UK; A smart space with its own reef to relax.


The complete approval of the Aquarium installation

took over 6 weeks of constant assessments, and creating supporting documentation to proof the safety of the proposal. We eventyally agreed on all technical requirements to obtain approval which included:

• Installation of a bunding tray capable of holding 4500 L

• Installation of leak detection throughout the entire area

• Solenoid valves connected to the leak detection to stop water supplies in the entire area

• Installation of an emergency pump capable of empty the bunding tray in case of a failure.

The completion of the whole aquarium infrastructure enable our teams to progress with the remaining works and carry out all finishes, decorations and the complete installation of furniture. This project has been by far one of the most rewarding projects carried out to date by our team due to the complexity of technical solutions achieved throughout the project. The result is a remarkable space for Green Network UK; A smart space with its own reef to relax.

Case studies

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Green Network UK

Case studies

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Calpe House